P/C/Insp. Maly Cula

He's one of those whose YM accounts are always open. And I understand. The internet now helps a lot in easing the pangs of loneliness of those like us who are outside the warmth of love and friendships in the Philippines. P/C/Insp. Maly Cula is now in Kosovo, serving as International Police Officer for the United Nations Mission (Kosovo is part of the former Yuguslavian Republic). Now we know that his job is not just lonely, but risky as well. Let's all wish him well. And to help him lessen the loneliness, girls can always write him at this address: (He he. Sorry, mali!) Maly is a regular visitor of this site. For readers who have been out of the country for so long, Maly is the son of Mac Cula (of Mano Cesar and Mana Agring) and is a graduate of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA).