Prominent Abaknons Dance the "Dos Amigos"

One of the highlights of the vesper night celebration (until heavy rains spoiled the fun) was the Dos Amigos dance performed by select Abaknons. With only a few hours for practice, the group managed to display the grace and charm of the Capuleno as dancers.

Leading the pack was the Hermana Mayor, Ms. Eugenia Cabacang (partnered by Mr. Rommel Guardiano). Also in the line-up were Vice-Governor Boy and Dra. Myrna Lucero, Engr, Ted and Mrs. Dolor Bascon, Mayor Ignacio and Mrs. Aleli Cascano.

Also with them were Ms. Forlu Bejar with Mr. Eddie Manaog as partner, Mr. Elon Pasco and Mrs. Lelita Acorceles, Dr. Lapulapu & Mrs. Met Ortego, Ms. Anabel Cabacang and Jonathan Castillo.
